Notice to all Mill Bay Tennis Club Members

Your Board held a virtual meeting on March 24th, and agreed that this notice be sent to all members.


Until further notice there will be NO CLUB SANCTIONED PLAY at any tennis court. If you who choose to play singles or doubles please be aware that the club will not accept any liability for your actions. Furthermore as part of the Board’s current decision we will be removing one of the nets from the Mill Bay courts. Until we get the all clear from the BC Health Authorities these restrictions will stay in place.


In order to be able to get up to full speed, if and when we get the all clear, we have gone ahead and planned the season. Tournaments are scheduled for:

Sunday June28th (Strawberry tea)

Sunday August 23rd (End of summer)

Sunday December 13th (Roger Burgess Memorial)

Each tournament will of course depend on whether we are able to play! They will each be followed by a social evening if possible.


We have scheduled the pressure washing of the courts for May 20th 2020 dependent on the possibility of seasonal play but it does save the surface paint to do this annually. The screens and the benches will not be put up until we know there will be club sanctioned play.



If we have no season due to the Covid-19 virus then anybody who has paid their dues will be offered one of three choices:

  1. A full refund
  2. A full credit towards 2021 dues
  3. A donation of the dues to the club

If we only get a partial season starting on July 1st then we will give those who have paid their dues the same options, at the rate 50%. For anybody who chooses to defer paying dues, we will charge 100% of dues until June 30th and 50% if play starts after July 1st.

These are difficult times we are going through and we must all play our part to stem this virus and avoid contaminating others. So stay home, stay well and we hope to have better news in the future.

The Mill Bay Tennis Club Board