
Tennis Leagues


We usually have a few tournaments every year.   Planning is underway for the following:-

1.)June 22, 2024 Strawberry Tea Social Tournament.

2.)Sept 14, 2024 End Of Season Wooden Racquet Tournament.

3.)March 15, 2025 St Patricks Tennis  Tournament. at Arbutus Ridge Bubble Tennis Courts.

The fun doesn’t end with tennis as we frequently gather at a member’s home for an after tennis potluck dinner. Summer tournaments are open to the entire community to come out and play, you do not need to be a member ($10.00 fee if not member).



The Mill Bay Tennis Club offers various activities including regular leaguessocial tournamentsPractice times.

Normally the courts are open to the public at the following times:

  • Monday to Friday 13:00-dusk,
  • Saturday and Sunday 13:00 to dusk.

Courts may also be booked by the club during these times for special events and tournaments.  Watch the calendar on this website for the days and times the court is booked.

The courts are locked when not in use.

Mill Bay Tennis

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Courts are on Wilkinson Road behind the Kerry Park Recreation Arena.

Women’s Doubles

Women’s Doubles is open to NTRP level 2.5 and above.  It is played Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings between 8:00am – 11:00 am.

Women’s Doubles

  • Three groups play each day with start times varying.  1.5 hours total playing time.
  • A schedule is drawn up based on availability and preferred times of play.  The makeup of each group varies from day to day.
  • Each group is assigned a captain for the day and that person is responsible for supplying tennis balls for her group.
  • Each player receives a list of all the players and spares.
  • Each player finds her own spares when necessary and lets the rest of the group know who is sparing for her.
  • Play begins in early May.

To play in this league, contact the organizer, Judy Baeckmann at 250-743-2996 or via email at

Men’s Double’s

Men’s Doubles is open to NTRP Level 2.5 and above.  It is played Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings between 9:00 am – 1:00 pm.

Men’s Double’s

  • Men’s doubles is both social and competitive, however players are expected to have a skill level that makes the game fun for everyone.
  • The schedule attempts to include all players and incorporates personal preferences as to amount of play and level of competition.
  • Overall men’s doubles is characterized by lots of good humoured banter and a fair bit of vigorous exercise.
  • Schedule is done on a monthly basis.
  • Play begins in early May.

To play in this league, contact the organizer Richard Furbacher via email at
