I forgot to mention….
Several of you travel south for the winter, and return in time to join the outdoor tennis season at our courts . Please don’t assume this disqualifies you from volunteering on the Board.
Much of the work we do can be done through emails, or on-line. Some can be organized down south at your leisure, then delegate to someone here to action.
While admittedly, much of the Board’s work occurs between mid-February to mid-April, it doesn’t all involve work that require you actually being here.
We usually hold 5 meetings a year:
February – to prepare for the AGM in March; make sure we have our new board members lined up; and start work signing up members and preparing for the new season.
March – hold the AGM and make sure the hand-over of roles goes smoothly
April – finalize the initial membership lists for the Coordinators; clean the courts and prep the adjacent land
June – make sure everything is going well and follow-up as necessary; organize the Strawberry Tournament
August – make sure we are ready for the September and Xmas Tournaments;
This is an over simplification of what’s going on behind the scene (e.g. acquiring insurance; powerwashing; liaising with the MBCL (who own the courts); financial planning, so we have money to resurface the courts every 5-7 years; communications with members; work on the website; meeting Societies Act requirements; exploring the need for programs other than the men’s and ladies programs….etc.). It does however help explain what the Board focuses on throughout the years.
Please take your turn, and give our club a hand
maintaining itself as a successful tennis organization.
And as mentioned before, I’ll be around and willing to attend meetings at the pleasure of the board.
Grant Price, President