Time to sign up for Tennis
Go to our website…millbaytennis.com…and click on “SIGN-UP NOW”

Outside programs will soon be organized by the coordinators. Play usually begins in May, so please register now, so you will be included. Late registrant may end up on the “spares list” for period of time, so don’t delay.

Payment can be done at the same time as you register on our website, using PayPal. If you prefer to pay by cheque, rather than use PayPal, you can make your $75 cheque out to the “Mill Bay Tennis Club” and give it to:
– Grant or Corinne Price
– David Mogg
– or drop it off at the Mill Bay Community Police office

An information table will be set up again in front of Mill Bay Thrifty Foods on April 7th from 10:00am – 2:00pm.

Our AGM occurred on Wednesday March 21st, and the Minutes, including Financial report, are available on our website under “ABOUT”, then “Club Documentation”….if you wish to see what transpired.

Have fun…play safe…and be respectful.

Grant Price, President