Raj Solanki has offered to hold practice sessions for the club each Friday evening beginning on May 12th from 6 to 7:30.  There will be a charge of $10 if you sign up for four sessions or it will be $15.00 for drop in.  These sessions will increase your movement on the court and also your skills and will be for all levels of players.    Also Tennis Clinics will begin on Sunday, May 28th.  The first four set of lessons will be for beginners and then there will be a set of four for skills at higher levels.  The specific skill will be announced at the beginning of June.  The cost for four lessons will be $60.00.   Please contact Cathy Waet if you have any questions or if you are interested in either of the two sessions above.  cathymckinstry@shaw.ca or 778-679-7053/250-743-4027